Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Black Bear has fish for dinner

Black Bear is trying to choose which fish he is going to have for dinner. There are quite a number of these fish tanks around Korea. This one isn't too bad as the isn't too crouded, however he has seen some fish tanks are so crowded that the fish can hardly swim around in the tank. Black Bear thinks it is a little cruel to see such large fish swimming in such a small tank and also to see so many fish in such a confined space.

We used these shell fish for bait. However, I believe they are quite a delicacy.

So whose for octopus? You see quite a lot of octopus cooked and then dried. Black Bear is not too keen to try it.

As you can see there are a number of different species of fish.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Black Bear enjoys Autumn in Korea

Black Bear, what are you doing in all of those leaves. Did you see someone drop some money in there?

Abbey and Jack are having a lot of fun playing in the leaves.

Some of the trees get wrapped up for the winter in rice stalks.

These ornamental cabbages are quite nice. There are quite a few planted in pots around Suwon.

We are loving the autumn colours, unfortunately when the trees eventually lose all of their leaves, the trees look like they have been through a bush fire.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Black Bear in Bundang, bungee jumping

Black Bear joined Darrin in Bundang to watch Darrin go Bungee jumping and to walk around and see the sites of Bundang.

I think I had better change my pants after the jump.

Frank Peterson jumping

Isaac Curry jumping

Jason Cooper jumping

Before the jump. Teachers who jump together stay together.

Black Bear what have you been teaching Jack and you had to show him where the horn was as well?

Abbey who is that you are hanging around and does your father know who you're hanging around.

We are loving the autumn colours.

Jack and his friend Promise. They get on really well.

Jack and Abbey with their friends Helana, Ian, Promise and Harper

What did you say to the lion statue black bear?

You really have found some beautiful places to hang out in Korea.

Throwing onion ring chips to the fish. They are too big for the fish to bite, but they try anyway.

From left to right
Harper Cooper, Abbey Schumacher, Ian Martinez, Jack Schumacher and Promise Cooper

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Darrin and Black Bear do Japan

Darrin and Black Bear had a recent trip to Japan for a conference. After the conference they managed to get out and see a tiny bit of Japan. Black Bear had a little bit of fun while ordering. He ordered pig's tongue and pig's ear. The pig's ear tasted a little bit like bacon rind, it wasn't the worst thing eaten for the weekend.

Black Bear, you can't drink that pitcher of beer all by yourself, but you can have fun trying.

Black Bear went to the new Sony building in Ginza. He checked out the new music devices.

Trust you Black Bear. Whenever their is a pretty girl dressed up in her traditional dress, you have to get a photo.

Black Bear checking out the new gadgets at the Apple Store in Ginza.
Black Bear waiting for the subway train. The trains are really efficient and while we made the occasional mistake, it was a good method of getting around.
Riding the train with new friends Stephanie, Patricia and Risa and Lorri-Ann and Jay.

The streets in Japan are starting to look a lot like Christmas. Black Bear was impressed with lights.

Space is a bit tight in Japan. You can hire one of these capsuals for approximately $10 per night. Not a bad price, but I think you would have to climb out of the capsual to roll over.
Black Bear, when you said you went and had a little splash, I had no idea the mischief you were up to.
At least you went to a museum. What was on display in the museum?